属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无处高速 Going Nowhere Fast
1 | 你常做梦吗? | Do you often have dreams ? | |
2 | 然而,假使你梦想得到财务自由--从"老鼠赛跑"般的忙忙碌碌中解脱出来,你要自问的第一个问题应该是:"我该如何去面对失败"。 | "But if you have dreams of freedom-of getting out of the rat race-the first question to ask yourself is, ""How do I respond to failure?" | |
3 | 以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说预言。你们的老年人要作异梦。少年人要见异象。 | and after that, it will come about, says the Lord, that I will send my spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will be prophets, your old men will have dreams , your young men will see visions: | |
4 | ||1:和多数市长一样,胡拉姆·海德尔·哈米迪也在心中为自己管辖的这座城市描绘了宏伟蓝图:设想中的城市里宽阔平整的马路上交通畅通无阻;学校质量一流并配有计算机;住宅规划让富人住宅集中;街道两旁商店整齐有序,公园秀木绿洲般点缀其间;夜色降临时整个城市便灯火辉煌。||2:理想中的城市还应该一尘不染,有着新铺设的排污排水管道,街道则由环卫工人定期大清扫。||3:哈米迪戴着名牌眼镜,缠着纯白色头巾,上身一件极其合身的棕色羊毛上衣,围着同样颜色和质地的围巾,全身上下干净整洁的他,想让这座深爱的城市也如自己一样干净整洁。 | ||1: Like most mayors, Ghulam Haider Hamidi had big dreams for his city. He imagined wide, paved roads where the traffic flowed freely. He hoped for first-class schools with computers, and housing developments where the rich would flock to live. Tidy, well-regulated shops would line the streets, with trees and parks as green oases between them. By night the whole place would blaze with lights. ||2: And this city would be spotless, with fresh-laid sewage pipes, fresh-dug drains, and an army of workers to deep-clean the streets on a regular basis. ||3: Immaculate himself, in designer glasses and pure white perahan tunban topped with a perfectly matching brown wool jacket and scarf, the mayor wanted nothing less for the town he adored. | |
5 | ||1:前不久,奥巴马希望通过高铁的修建给美国带来梦寐以求的两项实惠。||2:高铁轨道的修建及机车的制造将会让美国的无业人员重获工作。||3:并且,一旦完工,人们的出行方式将从汽车和飞机变成高铁,一种更加清洁环保并且可以减少使用国外石油的出行方式。||4:但这些美好的愿望几乎已全部幻灭。||5:共和党人决定政府的开支不应花在过时的基础设施建设上,这是建造高铁的困难所在,在弗罗里达,威斯康星和俄亥俄州的共和党州长已经拒绝了用联邦州政府的公债基金建设高铁。 | ||1: NOT long ago, Barack Obama was hoping that high-speed trains would provide America with the desired “twofer”. ||2: First, building the special tracks and locomotives would put a division or two of America’s army of unemployed back to work. ||3: Then, once built, the trains would get people out of cars and planes and to their destinations in a way that would be cleaner and use less foreign oil. ||4: But those dreams have mostly died. ||5: Republicans have decided that government spending, not outdated infrastructure, is the real bogeyman, and Republican governors in Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio have rejected federal money to begin building. | |
6 | ||1:最终,人们的忍耐到了极限。||2:20世纪80年代时,卡扎菲在中东附近采购核弹,资助恐怖团体,为了“扩大利比亚”事业入侵乍得,派遣特工炸毁苏格兰洛克比镇泛美航空公司客机。从此,他开始遭人唾弃,罗纳德?里根抨击他为“中东的疯狗”,宣誓将他炸得跪地求饶。||3:但是进入新世纪后,他开始迎合献媚。||4:他正确评价基地组织,主动提出接受核计划检查,答应于2003年放弃核计划,给洛克比提供补偿金。显然,他开始后悔自己军力不强,似乎忘却了曾夸夸其谈的泛阿拉伯与泛伊斯兰梦想。||5:在危险的伊斯兰主义者骤然升温的世界里,他远远谈不上是最危险的。||6:2009年G8峰会上他与奥巴马握手示好。||7:同年,他获准在联合国发言一个多小时。结果,他当场撕毁联合国宪章中讲述民主的章节,来报答联合国的宽容。 | ||1: Eventually tolerance snapped. ||2: In the 1980s, as Colonel Qaddafi shopped round the Far East for nuclear bombs, sponsored terror groups, invaded Chad in the cause of a “Greater Libya” and sent agents to blow up a Pan Am airliner over Lockerbie in Scotland, he became a pariah: Ronald Reagan’s “mad dog”, to be bombed until he whimpered. ||3: But by the new century he was ingratiating himself. ||4: He said the right things about al-Qaeda; offered his nuclear programme for inspection, and in 2003 abandoned it; paid compensation for Lockerbie; and, apparently chastened by his own military incompetence, seemed to have forgotten his windy pan-Arab and pan-Islamist dreams. ||5: In a world suddenly teeming with dangerous Islamists, he was now far from the worst. ||6: At the G8 in 2009 he shook hands with Barack Obama. ||7: The same year he was allowed to speak for more than an hour at the UN, repaying its tolerance by tearing from the UN Charter the pages that talked about democracy. | |
7 | 克里夫懂得如何把故事讲得精彩。在书中,他关心的不是体魄的强壮或某一次的胜利,而是无休止的人类的奋斗:爱情,死亡,以及在希望和梦想或破灭或兑现之后,我们的人生还剩下些什么。这样一本书,适合奥林匹克运动会结束后细细品味。 | Mr Cleave knows what makes a good story. Here, his concern is not with macho physicality or crossing a line, but with the endless and enduring human endeavours: love, death and what is left when hopes and dreams are crushed or fulfilled. A book to savour long after the Olympic games are over. | |
8 | 梦想之地 | Field of dreams | |
9 | “梦想?我们没有梦想。” | "Dreams? We don’t have dreams . " | |
10 | 不知你是否注意到?跟着生活既定的进程而忘记自己的梦想,是多么容易的一件事情啊。 | Have you noticed how easy it is to follow the course of life and forget that we have dreams ? | |
11 | 戴尔·史普纳警探:人类有梦想,甚至狗都有梦想,但你没有,你只是个机器,一个冒充生命的赝品。 | Detective Del Spooner: Human beings have dreams . Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just a machine. | |
12 | 而在英国,“年轻女孩更有主见,她们有职业意识。她们互相竞争,拥有梦想。” | In the UK, meanwhile: "Young girls are much more determined, they are career-minded. They’re killing each other, they have dreams . " | |
13 | 每个人都有梦想,它是人人所渴望的。没有梦想的人 | Everyone have dreams , which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams | |
14 | 如果你梦想有一天你能有自己的音乐事业,那么就马上行动吧。 | If you have dreams of touring and getting your music out there, remember first that it takes action on your behalf. | |
15 | 他并不知道女孩的名字。“每天晚上我都会梦到她,她长的很好看,也很坚强。” | He does not know the girl’s name. "I have dreams every night, " he said. "She was very pretty. Very strong. " | |
16 | 我开始在小憩的时候做梦了,这标志着一个有效的眼动睡眠。 | I’m finally beginning to have dreams during my naps, which indicates REM sleep. | |
17 | 我们都有梦想,但是大多数人都给自己制造了各种理由不去追寻梦想。 | We all have dreams , but most of us make excuses for not pursuing them. | |
18 | 我们将取得胜利,因为我们拥有梦想。 | We’re going to win because we have dreams . | |
19 | 我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想;我们青春健美,我们意气风发。 | We are enthusiastic; We have dreams ; We are young and healthy, we have inspiration . |